I am so amazed by God’s love – how He takes care of us. We are precious to HIM! It makes me want to share HIS great LOVE with everyone!!! This includes my kids….
I have been having so much fun creating File Folder Games with my youngest! My husband and I have been blessed with 9 wonderful children. Each one of them is precious to us. They are loved by God! So how do we treat them? Do we do everything as parents (Mother’s specifically) and nothing for our own families? We are all busy either making LOs, or designing kits, or taking that special photo… BUT are we taking the time to do things for and with our kids???
So lately, I have been making these fun and creative games for my 2yr old. She is loving that I am making something for her! I think of her as I am creating these games. I think of what would appeal to her – what she would enjoy – but yet I am thinking how it will challenge her ever growing / learning mind. I also homeschool my kids – we will be graduating our 3rd oldest this year!!!
So here is one of the games I have recently made…. Time To Play….

I am having so much fun creating these games from the paper packs / kits that I have made, along with the clipart that I have been purchasing from DigiWebStudios. It is so much fun producing quality games for my kids to play.