Everyday Living

Yesterday, I wrote and thought about how I need to come to God and remember daily to rest in HIS arms….

This morning, as I was awake early, had my quiet time with God, then went back to sleep – I was wondering what I was going to share with you….  as I was getting ready to write, I was still wondering…. LOL  so I pulled out my devotional book (I had gotten it to help me to write to you – give me ideas etc and it is always great to have someone else to inspire me with God’s word as I share with you…)

Well today’s devo was on “Daily Bread”, you know from the Lord’s Prayer – thanking God for providing our daily bread.  This is so significant to me, as we have been experiencing that ALL coming from God….  Also the devo mentioned how God provided daily Manna when the Israelites were wandering thru the desert.  God knows that we need to come to Him daily….

Without going to God daily – we can get so distracted….  negative things bombard us daily…. things that take us away from God’s Truth…. things that discourage us….  things that frighten us….

When we LOOK to the Master, the One who Created it All, Who Holds ALL things together….  we have a HOPE, a REFUGE to turn to!

I thank GOD so much that HE LOVES us so much and that HE CARES about the DETAILS of our lives!!!

“Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” (Ephesians 5:1-2)

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