Hi all – well I am making progress on the play kitchen. Hopefully I can finish it tomorrow. A lot of the painting is done. There is still a few things that need a 2nd coat of paint.
This is the story of our play kitchen….
It was very heavy – if I would have known it was this heavy, I think we would have not gotten this particular entertainment center. When we got it in the house…. we removed all of the doors to make it easier to get it upstairs.

I did most of the work on it – in the girl’s room. So they are unable to play in there when there is wet paint. I did end up painting the doors – downstairs. So I painted and repainted….
1st I actually put up the “Princess Paper” – then I realized I would need to paint the rest of the area since there was so much extra space – and I did not want to cut the Princess Paper down to fit….

Next I started painting the rest of the spaces in some pink paint we had leftover from one of the girl’s rooms. Originally, the “sink” was going to be on the left, and the stove on the right.

But then when I looked at it again – I realized it would be better to switch these areas. So I needed to repaint…. LOL So I started with adding the shelf on the left side so that it would be the stove. I put it up a little higher so that I could use one of the shelves for the “oven door”.

Then I bought some 12×12 floor tiles – cut them and made the “Counter”. I also cut strips about 1″ tall for the “backsplash”. I love how the counter turned out….

Today I was busy painting – I did the top shelf silver – “stove top”. Painted the oven door silver – and repainted the pink oven – to this charcoal cover. I also added the backsplash around the oven area. TO the door I added hinges and a handle. Tomorrow I need to put the door on – and add burners and knobs…. The knobs are closet door knobs painted silver – and I will add some markings with black permanent marker.

I also just did a quick 1st coat to the under sink area in blue – the doors were downstairs drying too. I will add new knobs to the door and put them on – after I do a 2nd coat of blue. It was getting to be too much pink – and the blue paint was on sale at Menards….